It is not uncommon for Environmental Health and Safety Managers to concentrate their resources to Safety and Environmental Concerns, while Health in the workplace is relegated to a lesser effort. Health efforts at the workplace may consist of “general” training or methods around personal hygiene.
It is not uncommon for Environmental Health and Safety Managers to concentrate their resources to Safety and Environmental Concerns, while Health in the workplace is relegated to a lesser effort. Health efforts at the workplace may consist of “general” training or methods around personal hygiene. Some companies have health promotions such as weight loss, tobacco cessation, and/or blood drives. With the recent developments of a global pandemic caused by COVID-19; EHS Managers would be wise to place the Health aspect of their systems on the same level of importance as Environmental and Safety programs.
An evaluation of your current systems and methods for employee health is a logical place to start. Do you have specific methods in place addressing worker health? Are their adequate resources such as supplies and time for training? Are awareness materials such as brochures, posters, or a health information board, in the facility? Are your methods specific? A non-specific method would be “Wash Your Hands”. A specific method would involve showing how to wash your hands, when to wash and what supplies to use.
Method Oriented Safety Thinking® teaches us the importance of consistent use of proper methods and procedures. It addresses the behaviors we use every day to be safe. M.O.S.T certainly applies during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods such as social distancing, washing hands, self-quarantining, etc. are critical habits to develop and use consistently to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
The ultimate goal for EHS is to protect our employees from injuries and sickness. Now is an opportune time to put the Health aspect of your EHS program on equal footing with Environmental and Safety issues. Additional resources, specifically addressing COVID-19, can be found on the OSHA and CDC websites at and
M.O.S.T. is an effective tool to help combat the spread of COVID-19!
Johnston & Associates, Inc.